Michele Scala

Michele is a researcher at the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action within the program “Bringing Social Justice Back in the Middle East”. His main research areas include the transformations of labor and labor conflicts, clientelism and collective action in Lebanon and in the Mediterranean area. He is currently an associated lecturer at Sciences Po Lyon where he teaches “Political Systems of the Arab World” and “Socio-anthropology of Arab Societies”, and an associated researcher to the Ifpo of Beirut. Since 2019, he coordinates the Hubert Curien-Cèdre research program “At the Margin of Wage Labor? A Pluri-disciplinary inquiry on Labor in Lebanon” with Nizar Hariri (USJ) and Myriam Catusse (Ifpo). Over the past few years, he has worked as a consultant for different international organizations and NGOs.

Michele holds a Ph.D. in Arab and Muslim World of Aix-Marseille Université. His dissertation has been awarded of the special price of the Jury of the French CNRS GIS-MOMM.