Survey on solidarity initiatives and interventions in the aftermath of the Beirut blast, on August 4th, 2020

Daleel Madani is still collecting data on solidarity initiatives and interventions in the aftermath of the Beirut blast on August 4th, 2020. 

Data collected will be displayed in open access on the Daleel Madani platform with the aim of enhancing transparency around the response but also coordination and collaboration among actors, in order to reduce duplication and identify priorities for action. 

Fill the survey here

Why this survey?
Following the blast in Beirut on August 4th, 2020, a multitude of solidarity initiatives have taken place in response to the emergency. While several mappings and databases have emerged in the past weeks, Lebanon Support proposes to consolidate this information based on a typology that will provide a more thorough and analytical reading of the collected data. 

This will allows actors to:

  • Identify gaps, duplication, and priorities for actions
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration with other actors
  • Enhance coordination among actors

The mapping will be published in open access on Daleel Madani
Daleel Madani is the main reference for civil society in Lebanon and beyond and gathers more than 1 million visits per month from Lebanon and the world. 


How can you help?
If you are part of an initiative or interventions in response to the aftermath of the Beirut blast on August 4th, 2020, help us by filling in the survey. 

Fill the survey here


Some preliminary results
So far, over 50% of the respondents are donating foods and water, while only 13.5% of the respondents have identified food and water as a priority. 
Also, 28% of the respondents think the main priority should be shelter and housing, and 25% Repairs (Reconstruction). 

Do you agree?

Share more information about your work here