Public Actions
Parliament passes Law No. 8 to move up 2022 legislative elections from May 8 to March 27 and to have expat voters cast their ballot in the constituency they are registered in in Lebanon despite President Aoun's refusal to sign it
President Michel Aoun, who founded the FPM, said that amendments to the electoral law were now in effect despite his refusal to sign them. The amendments to the electoral law were approved for the second time by Parliament on Oct. 28, after Aoun had initially rejected them after the Oct. 19 session. Gebran Bassil, Aoun’s son-in-law and head of the FPM, strongly opposed the amendments. Aoun had refused to ratify them, sending the law back to Parliament on Oct. 22. Despite Aoun's rejection of the amendments, legal experts say they are able to pass because the second legislators approve a law, it automatically goes into effect without a president's signature. The amendments include moving the date of elections from May 8 to March 27 of next year. Aoun has argued that the earlier elections date would face logistical difficulties due to winter weather and prevent thousands of voters who would reach the voting age of 21 between March 27 and May 8 of the chance to vote. The MPs also decided to have expat voters cast their ballot in the constituency they are registered in in Lebanon.
القانون النافذ حكما رقم 8 الصادر بتاريخ 2021/11/3
تعديل بعض مواد القانون رقم 44 تاريخ 2017/6/17 (انتخاب أعضاء مجلس النواب)
الجريدة االرسمية - ملحق العدد 43 - 2021/11/3