Public Actions

Ministry of Economy and Finance appoints members of the National Council for Price Policy

Thursday, June 2, 2022

مرسوم رقم 9334

تشكيل المجلس الوطني لسياسة الأسعار

الرئيس عون وقَّع مرسوم تشكيل "المجلس الوطني لسياسة الأسعار" وهو يتشكّل للمرة الأولى منذ قرار انشائه في العام 1974. "المجلس الوطني لسياسة الأسعار" هو مجلس وطني يضم جميع المعنيين من إدارات رسمية وجمعيات الاتحاد العمالي العام تمثل مختلف شرائح المجتمع اللبناني، يعملون معاً على وضع سياسة للأسعار بعدما كانت هذه المسؤولية مناطة حصرا بوزارة الاقتصاد من خلال مصلحة حماية المستهلك.

President Michel Aoun approved on Friday the formation of the National Council for Price Policy, a first since the legal body was introduced via decree in 1974, the state-run National News Agency reported. 

The original 1974 decree calling for the council’s formation outlines its responsibilities as “tracking price movements and studying the external and internal factors that affect it and submitting forecasts for at least three months”; “submitting proposals that lead to setting the correct limits for service charges and prices of locally produced and imported goods”; “submitting proposals that help adopt a general policy for prices and supplies and to determine profit rates.”

The council’s leadership is comprised of the economy minister as chairman and director general of the Central Administration of Statistics as deputy chairman. Its members are the director general of the Economy Ministry, director general of the Finance Ministry, director general of the Tourism Ministry, director general of the Labor Ministry, director general of the Agriculture Ministry, director of consumer protection, a representative of the Banque du Liban (the director of statistics and economic research at the bank), president of the Association of Lebanese Industrialists, president of the Association of Banks in Lebanon, president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, and three representatives of the General Labor Union Bechara Asmar, Hassan Fakih and Saad Eddin Hamidi Saqr.


Acting Bodies: 
Lebanese Government
Economic measures (State budget, rent law, wages...)
Approved/ Ratified
Civil Society Response: 
Not applicable