Public Actions

Caretaker government grants civil servants an increase in the daily transport allowances

Friday, July 29, 2022

The ministerial committee in charge of dealing with the repercussions of the financial crisis on the functioning of the public sector announced an increase in the daily transport allowances from LL65,000 to LL95,000 for all civil servants. Bayram specified that this decision is “conditional on the presence of civil servants in the premises, at least two days a week, in order to meet the needs of citizens and ensure revenue to the Treasury,” adding that “this solution is temporary until the draft budget of the current year is adopted.”

مرسوم رقم 9753

تعديل مقدار تعويض النقل المؤقت للعاملين في القطاع العام


المادة الأولى يعدل تعويض النقل المؤقت [...] بحيث يصبح 95,000 ل.ل. عن كل يوم حضور فعلي.

المادة الثانية: ينشر هذا المرسوم ويبلغ حيث تدعو الحاجة ويعمل به اعتبارا من أول الشهر الذي يلي تاريخ نشره.

Acting Bodies: 
Lebanese Government
Economic measures (State budget, rent law, wages...)
Approved/ Ratified
Civil Society Response: 
Not applicable