Public Actions

Banque du Liban issues Circular 583 on purchase and sale of foreign currencies by exchange bureaus

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Lebanese Central Bank issued on May 10, 2021 intermediate decision 13326 under intermediate circular 583 which adjusts the provisions of basic decision no, 13236 under basic circular 5 pertaining to BDL’s electronic trading platform. In details, intermediate circular 583 replaces article 2 of basic circular 5 (which demanded from exchange bureaus to abide by the ceiling set by the Central Bank for buying the US Dollar in exchange for Lebanese Pound and to refrain from applying out of the ordinary margins between the selling and buying price) with the following: “exchange bureaus registered on the platform must buy and sell foreign currencies based on supply and demand, and must refrain from applying out of the ordinary margins between the bid and ask price or any exaggerated commissions that exceed 1% of the purchase price.”

مصرف لبنان

قرار وسيط رقم 13326

تعديل القرار الأساسي رقم 13236 تاريخ 2020/6/10


الجريدة الرسمية - العدد 21 - 2021/5/27

Acting Bodies: 
Banque du Liban (BDL)
Economic measures (State budget, rent law, wages...)
Approved/ Ratified
Civil Society Response: 
Not applicable