Public Actions

Banque du Liban issues Circular 159 on exceptional restrictions relating to some banking operations

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Lebanese Central Bank issued on August 17, 2021 intermediate decision 13353 under basic circular 159 directed to banks concerning some restrictions on banking operations. In details, the basic circular states that banks are prohibited from applying multiples on fresh foreign currency inflows or bank notes from customers except in the event of fully settling an outstanding customer debt, whilst also having to notify the Banking Control Commission (BCC) in this case.  The circular also restricted banks from purchasing foreign currencies from the parallel market, yet allowed banks to purchase foreign currencies transferred from outside Lebanon for medium to long-term investment purposes boosting liquidity levels or to settle foreign commitments on the condition of registering said operations on the electronic platform. Finally, the circular requested banks to inform the BCC of any transactions that were conducted since the year 2019 falling under the umbrella of the aforementioned operations.  

مصرف لبنان

قرار اساسي رقم 13353

قيود استثنائية على بعض العمليات التي تقوم بها المصارف


الجريدة الرسمية - العدد 34 - 2021/8/26

Acting Bodies: 
Banque du Liban (BDL)
Economic measures (State budget, rent law, wages...)
Approved/ Ratified
Civil Society Response: 
Not applicable