Public Actions
Banque du Liban extends Circular 151 until March 31, 2021
The Lebanese Central Bank issued on October 9, 2020 intermediate decision 13282 under intermediate circular 572, which amends basic decision no. 13221 under basic circular 151 by extending the terms of its provisions to March 31, 2021. In details, basic circular 151 was issued to banks facilitating cash withdrawals from accounts in foreign currency for clients who do not benefit from the provisions of Basic Circular 148. More specifically, the decision entails that banks will have to meet a customer’s cash withdrawal request from his foreign currency account by paying him, after securing his consent, the equivalent amount in Lebanese Pound at the market exchange rate set by the electronic trading platform. Furthermore, the concerned banks are required to sell the foreign currencies obtained from these transactions to the Central Bank, noting that all other US dollar transactions between Lebanese banks and their clients will remain subject to the applicable exchange rate specified by the Central Bank in its daily transactions with banks.