Title | Actors/Parties Involved | Description | Date of incident | Death toll | Number of Injured | Sources of Conflict | Security Incident Category |
General security arrests 5 people for belonging to terrorist organization | General Security, Syrian Civilians/Refugees, Lebanese Civilians, ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)) |
وقف الأمن العام شبكة تُجنِّد قاصرين لمصلحة تنظيم "داعش"، تنشط بين منطقتي المنكوبين ووادي نحلة الشماليتين. عديد أفراد الشبكة خمسة أشخاص معظمهم لبنانيون يأتمرون بإشارة اللبناني عمر الصاطم، الذي يدير نشاط التنظيم من "عاصمة الخلافة" في محافظة الرقة. |
Monday, April 11, 2016 | 0persons | 0persons | Arrest/Detention | |
Personal dispute in Jabal Beddawi triggers fire trade, no casualties |
A personal row between young men from Al-Saif family and others from Al Ghamrawi in Jabal Beddawi developed into fire trade and grenade tossing in Jabal Beddawi and Wadi Nahle, with no casualties reported, NNA Correspondent in Tripoli reported on Thursday. Instantly, security forces intervened and worked on containing said incident. Investigations are underway. |
Thursday, January 15, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Brawl/Dispute, Shooting | ||
Army carries out raids in Beddawi's Wadi Nahle | Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) |
An armored unit of the Lebanese army carried out raids in the neighborhood of Wadi Nahle in Beddawi, in search for wanted persons, NNA Correspondent in Tripoli reported on Tuesday. The military forces are still closing all entrances leading in and out of said Wadi. |
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 | 0persons | 0persons | Raid | |
Relatives of kidnapped soldiers open Beddawi road | Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes] |
Relatives of the kidnapped soldiers opened the road in Beddawi after cutting it off for several hours to protest the delay in resolving the dossier of their sons' abduction. |
Thursday, September 4, 2014 | 0persons | 0persons | Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...] |