Title | Actors/Parties Involved | Description | Date of incident | Death toll | Number of Injured | Sources of Conflict | Security Incident Category |
The LF and PSP abducted members from each other’s militias in Deir Durit and in Kfarhim. 23 of these hostages were killed. | Lebanese Forces (LF), Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) |
May 21–22, 1983: May 21–22, 1983: The LF and PSP abducted members from each other’s militias in Deir Durit and in Kfarhim respectively, in the Mountain, and they also took 21 civilians.On May 22, 1983, 23 of these hostages were killed (9 Christians and 14 Druze). |
Friday, October 21, 1983 to Saturday, October 22, 1983 | 23persons | 0persons | Hostage Taking Situation [inc. attempt, release], Murder | |
Christian civilians murdered in response to LF checkpoint | Lebanese Forces (LF) |
September 11, 1983: Twenty-seven Christians in the mixed Druze-Christian village of Ras al-Metn in the district of Baabda were killed. That same day, 21 Christians, including 3 children, were killed in Maasser Beit Eddine in the Shuf. In the same district, 38 Christians were killed in Shartun, 5 each in Shurit and Deir Dourit; and 34 in Wadi al-Sitt. Before the Christians were murdered in Deir Durit, the LF set up a checkpoint and killed 12 Druze who were passing through. |
Sunday, September 11, 1983 | 142persons | 0persons | Forced Displacement of Population, Murder, Raid | |
Executions and Kidnapping of civilians at Kfarhim and Deir Dourit | Lebanese Forces (LF), Progressive Socialist Party (PSP), Israeli army |
May 22, 1983: In the Shuf, 23 civilians were summarily executed in the Druze village of Kfarhim and the Christian village of Deir Dourit. Also, 100 civilians were kidnapped from both sides, and Israelis were mediating with the PSP and LF to secure their release |
Sunday, May 22, 1983 | 0persons | 0persons | Murder, Shooting |