Title Author(s) Publishing Date Summary Keywords Dossier
The Ration Card: A Response to the Economic Crisis in Lebanon. To what extent are cash transfer programs effective? Luna Dayekh May, 2022

The brief examines the Ration Card Program (RCP), an emergency cash transfer program that was issued by the Lebanese government to assist the poor and vulnerable Lebanese population affected by the ongoing economic crisis. The brief first introduces the RCP and its beneficiaries, and shows the shortcomings of the RCP that provides little support to beneficiaries, excludes a large section of the population, and is not sustainable. The brief then suggests alternative approaches and recommendations to shift toward a sustainable social security protection framework that supports the population as a whole.

Lebanon, socio-economic demands, Policy Intervention, cash transfers, ration card, Inclusive Social Security, Emergency Response Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
Bodies, Space, and Remembrance Nur Turkmani December, 2021

In this article, Nur Turkmani’s reflects on the ways that Lebanese streets became a place of intimate encounters during the October 2019 Thawra. Turkmani traces the various threats to the body, from the threats of police violence during the Thawra to the immunological threats of COVID-19 as people continued to reclaim public spaces during the early months of 2020, and how women’s bodies were often at the center of these spaces. 

Gender, Lebanon, women, Women Bodies, Public Spaces, Revolution Gender Equity Network
On Chaos, Disruption, and Women in Public Space: Cairo’s Street Situation and the Murder of the “Maadi Girl” and the Single “Al Salam Doctor” Nehal Elmeligy December, 2021

In this essay, Nehal Elmeligy uses the chaos, unpredictability, and potential brutality of “the street” in Cairo to reflect on the murder of two Cairene women, the first killed in October 2020 and the second in April 2021.

Cairo, Gender, Gender Based Violence, Chaos, Disruption, Public Space Gender Equity Network
Resistance, Gender, and Identity Politics: A Conversation with Rasha Younes Gabriella Nassif December, 2021

This interview highlights the complexities of gender through careful attention to collective resistance and uprising. It discusses the video documentary “If Not Now, When?” with Rasha Younes. 

Lebanon, Gender, Identity Politics, Resistance, Feminism Gender Equity Network
CSR issue 5: Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East - Introduction Gabriella Nassif November, 2021

This is the introduction of the Civil Society Review issue 5 "Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East". Written by Gabriella Nassif, this introduction provides an overview of the issue, the circumstances during which it was written and compiled, the thematics it covers, and its reflections on the current moment of crisis in the region through the lens of gender.

Gender Equity, Gender, Social Justice, Middle East Gender Equity Network
Possibilities and Challenges: Social Protection and COVID-19 Crisis in Jordan Abdalhadi Alijla November, 2021

This report describes the different programmes and the mechanisms used to reach the country’s most vulnerable groups. It focuses specifically on informal workers, women, and the youth. The report also shows that Jordan has used its existing social protection systems to reach vulnerable people through emergency cash transfer programmes, either by expanding the already existing programme (Takaful) or creating new ones (Tamkin Iqtisadi, Himaya, Musanid). The Jordanian government’s responsiveness and effectiveness were conditioned and restrictive towards women, informal workers, and refugees. This report analyses the government's response in an attempt to identify gaps in the Jordanian social protection system and how it can be further developed

Jordan, Social Protection System, Covid-19 in Jordan, Informal Economy in Jordan Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
COVID-19 Vaccines: Is equity between North and South still possible? Heba Wanis October, 2021

This article explores global vaccination inequity and wether equity in this regard is achievable between North and South. It covers the challenges faced by health systems in the region during the pandemic, issues of equity in access to the vaccine, and the developments and barriers relevant to vaccine production in the South.

MENA Region, Right To Health, Vaccination Inequity, Social Justice, Crisis Prevention & Recovery Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
Collective Actions Digest Jordan – September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2021 Rossana Tufaro October, 2021

Despite the lack of media coverage, Jordanian society is currently witnessing a multitude of pervasive and increasing tensions nested in the shadow of the country’s economic downturn and the austerity policies adopted by the state. This digest provides an overview of the collective actions mapped in Jordan between September 1 2018 and August 31 2021, including general trends, demands, mode of action.

Press Freedom, Repression, Jordan, Collective Action, Socio-Economic Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
Tunisia’s “Al-Ahyaa Al-Sha’Biya”: Socioeconomic Grievances, Mobilisation, and Repression Stephanie Daher October, 2021

This paper will look into the dynamics of police repression and violence against contentious actors during the latest wave of protests in Tunisia. It will argue that there is a continuity between the grievances of the recent protests and those expressed during the 2011 revolution, including corruption, access to socio-economic rights and individual and collective freedoms. The paper will also highlight the role of the youth, particularly those from marginalised neighbourhoods, in leading the protests, positioning them as the main targets of police violence and arbitrary arrests. Finally, it will shed light on the recent police repression and violation of individual freedoms, showing that despite being considered as one of the main achievements of the Tunisian’s revolution, civil liberties remain under threat.

Repression, Police Brutality, collective actions, Social Justice, Socio-Economic, socio-economic demands, Tunisia, Economic & Social Rights Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
موجز: الإقتصاد السياسي لإدارة أزمة جائحة كوفيد-١٩ في تونس: هل هي أزمة حُكم أم فشلٌ على مستوى المنظومة الصحّية؟ Dr. Belgacem Sabri September, 2021

يلخّص هذا الموجز إدراة جائحة كوفيد-١٩ في تونس على الصعيدين السياسي والإقتصادي، طارحًا إشكالية ما إذا كانت هذه الأزمة الصحية ناتجة عن أزمة حكم أو فشل على مستوى المنظومة الصحية. وتعمَّق الموجز أيضًا في دور المجتمع المدني التونسي في الدفاع عن الحقّ في الصحّة وعن مكتسبات النظام الصحّي. هذا الموجز كُتب بناءً على مداخلة د. بلقاسم صابري خلال الندوة الإفتراضية "توفير الحقّ في الصحّة للجميع، وتحقيق المساواة في الحصول على اللقاح في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. مقاربة ما بعد الاستعمارية" التي نظمها مركز دعم لبنان في ٢ أيلول/ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١

Tunisia, Political Economy, Health, Covid19, Right To Health Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
